Overview In late 2021 and continuing into early 2022, the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) via the Enhanced Measurement Project undertook a series of trials with Fyfe Pty Ltd to investigate methods for topographic and bathymetric data collection for the construction of storage volume curves. This work was performed at an archetypal farm water storage facility in Gatton, Queensland. The site selected was based on its features including fringing vegetation, depth, access and location, symmetry, overflow capacity and the storage geomorphology. Some of the technologies and techniques used, during the survey include photogrammetry, Sonar and Drone LiDAR. The following photos demonstrate the range of tools tested and highlight some of the challenges encountered. It is expected a full outline of this work will be shared with AHA members in a future Australasian Hydrographer publication.

Figure 1. Archetypal On-farm water storage facility, surveyed during the trial, Gatton, Queensland.

Figure 2. True View 515 LiDAR mounted on a DJI Matrice 300 RTK.

Figure 3. DJI Matrice 600 RTK with a True View 635.

Figure 4. McBathy RC Boats both Single beam and Sonar Side-scan with Surface LiDAR units were trialled.

Figure 8. DJI Matrice 600 RTK with a drop sonar cable.
Author: Arran Corbett, Mark Findsen, Dejan Subaric & Dane Goddard, Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW), Qld https://aha.net.au/
The article and photos are taken from Australasian Hydrographer April 2022 Edition